Food and Water Analysis
Microbiology Testing

Laboratorio MEDLAB Aruba offers the possibility to analyze water samples, surfaces, foods and handlers, as an opportunity to ensure your responsibility within the community.
Food processing, storage, distribution and handling areas should have an appropiate degree of cleanliness, and take the precautions to prevent the contamination of food and their contact surfaces.
Everyone involved in the area of food services has the obligation to supply food and water that are safe for human consumption.
As a company that enforces these responsibilities, involved in the water and food handling and supply, to guarantee and undertake preventative measures, you are safeguarding the health of your customers.
- Water Testing (Total Coliforms, E. Coli, Pseudomonas)
- Hand Swab Food Handlers (Total Coliforms and E. Coli)
- Surfaces Swab Examination (Total Coliforms and E. Coli)
- Salmonella Detection Food
- Staphylococcus aureus Detection Food
- Total Mesophilic Count as Shelf Live Indicator
- Yeast and Mold Count
Feel free to call and request a quote, and learn more on the program, and how this can be of value towards your organization.